Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Pet Therapy Course
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Hi from Nocciola!

Friday, November 27, 2009
60 kilometers long walk back home
Thursday, November 26, 2009
New Italian Ambassador - Nuccio
Ciao, sono Nuccio di Catona, una frazione della città di Reggio Calabria, e lavoro a Messina presso una società che si occupa di energia rinnovabile.
Sin da piccolo ( non sono più giovane) a casa mia ho sempre avuto la compagnia degli affettuosi e fedeli amici a quattro zampe e non posso fare a meno di ricordare tra di loro Fox un bracco tedesco intelligentissimo col quale comunicavo solo con lo sguardo.
Oggi fanno parte della mia famiglia anche tre simpatici cani (Lilli, Fire e Bella) che erano stati abbandonati per la strada dai loro padroni e che io insieme a mia moglie ed a mio figlio abbiamo raccolti, curati ed adottati. Proprio la settimana scorsa il medico veterinario ne ha sterilizzato una, l’altra lo era stata qualche mese addietro. Purtroppo la sterilizzazione è un’operazione necessaria per evitare l’aumento del numero dei cani e di conseguenza un trattamento inadeguato nei loro confronti. L’anno scorso, nel periodo di Natale, Lilli ha partorito quattro cuccioli bellissimi allietandoci le feste. Per fortuna ho avuto molte richieste ed ho potuto affidarli alle persone più adatte a prendersene cura. Sappiamo però che non sempre è così: molte storie finiscono tristemente col vedere abbandonati i cuccioli per la strada.
Cercherò di fare del mio meglio per portare avanti il nobile impegno che Streetdog SPA si è prefissato e sono sicuro che con il vostro aiuto ci riusciremo.
Hi, I'm Nuccio from Catona, which is a part of the city Reggio Calabria in South of Italy and I work with renewable energy in Messina, Sicily.
Since I was a child (I'm not young anymore) we've always had company of affectionous and faithful 4-legged friends and one of them especially springs to mind, Fox - the German shepherd. He was so intelligent that it was enough to communicate with him only with my eyes.
Today I have 3 nice dogs (Lilli, Fire and Bella) that take part of my family. They all have a past where their previous owners have abandoned them on the street, and together with my wife and son we have taken them in, treated and adopted them.
Last week the veterinary sterilized one of the females and the other one was sterilized a few months ago. Unfortunately the sterilization is a necessary operation to decrease the number of dogs and as a consequence the inadequate behaviour towards them. Last year, during the X-mas period, Lilli gave birth to 4 beautiful puppies. Luckily I had a lot of requests and was able to find good people to take care of them. Sadly, as we know, this is not always the case and many of these stories end up with abandoned puppies on the street.
I will do my best to support the noble engagement that Streetdog SPA has prefixed and I am sure that with your help we will make it.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Pet Therapy
Saturday, November 21, 2009
In Naples with Max

The little terrier loves Max as well and they kiss and kiss and play. They look so funny together. The photo above i taken this morning, when we were taking a walk on the road.
My only regret is that I'm not able to take him home to my place as it i too small and I know he has a better life here.
Have a great weekend!
Woff from us!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Lots of puppies...
Kelly - Ambassador in Norway
I am and have always been a genuine dog lover and I cant express enough how incredible I think it is that somebody, not only converts words into actions, but also allows for us fellow dog lovers to contribute. When offered the possibility to represent Streetdog SPA as an ambassador in Norway; how could I not jump at the opportunity? Thank you so much for caring enough to bother and for accepting responsibility! Together we really can make a difference, so lets all take part and act.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Welcome to our new Streetdog SPA Ambassadors

Friday, November 13, 2009
The dog whisperer

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Good heart certificate

Looking for funds